Dixie Chicks Album Home
Dixie Chicks Album Home

I read the quote ‘We are changing the way we do business’ in the album sleeve of ‘Home’ by the Dixie Chicks, that has always stuck in my head. I feel like this is a perfect title for this blog.

I have been thinking for some days now about how i was going to word this chapter, I don’t have the best writing skills, but when i am sat on the tube or i am walking from doing the school run( i am an au pair!) i try to word things.

Opera and Musical Theatre Performer Rebecca Caine
Opera and Musical Theatre Performer Rebecca Caine

I pushed on with this blog, after seeing Rebecca Caine perform today. Google her if you have no idea who she is, a talented performer with a background of both Opera and Musicals. I have looked up to her for a long time, i think shes a great role model for any young female looking to go into the profession. Listening to her speak about her experiences, made me want to push my dream more.

My dream was always to be an actress- not just any actress but i wanted to be in Musical Theatre. This could get cheesy so i will keep it simple, it was my dream and i have spent many years training to do this. I was even suppose to study at LCM for my MA Musical Theatre. The course was cancelled. That hasn’t made me give up, it has just made me realize my dreams have changed.

When i first started my ‘training’ i was a nervous wreck, looking back i think it was a mixture of weight insecurities and anxiety. The fear of people mocking me, and i know i shouldn’t care what people think, but it isn’t easy as you think. I really struggled, i adapted the ‘Funny Girl’, or i would put myself down before someone else could. It’s a horrible way to be, and i thought as i got older it would just go away. It didn’t, but it did get better. When i came to do my top up i made a deal with myself that i wasn’t going to be like that anymore. Yeah of course i still did that, but it was better and i did feel more confident. I am always a different person when i have singing lessons and my confidence is there, i can sing out, and if i make a mistake i never care. Our mind is crazy?

Broadway Divas
Broadway Divas
Dita Von Teese Maybe my act will include a giant glass!
Dita Von Teese
Maybe my act will include a giant glass!

Lets flash forward to now and why i am explaining ‘We are changing the way we do Business’ so you get it i wanted to be a Bernadette-Liza-Streisand-Kristin-Barbra Cook-Sally Ann-Andrews-Elaine Paige- Angela- Lea Salonga. I just listed some of the ‘Legends’. I have changed my mind, i don’t want to be in someone else’s Gang. I decided i want my own Theatre Rep. Somewhere where i can create and work with others. With a focus on cabaret and Musical Theatre. Keeping things local and working in a Rep Theatre building. This idea has been inspired by so many things over the last year, seeing some Cabaret shows, being in other countires and cities where they produce ‘Kiss me Kate’ in a small town, where actors are being paid, and even the circus.I have recently dabbed my foot in Burlesque, it is so creative and open. It also has such a great link to Musical Theatre, which people don’t always notice.

So i am changing the way i do business.