I have been waiting for a few weeks now for 2016 to hurry up and end. Excluding last year, the past few years I have made a new year video. This year I changed my mind and decided a new year blog might be easier to follow.

2016 has been a tough year for many people I know. I know regarding politics and celebrities death it has been pretty poor. The politics I guess is a personal choice, if you’re American, and you voted Trump then you are happy, if you didn’t then you are feeling pretty sad. Same for the UK’s choice to leave the EU. I voted to stay in, so when my sister woke me up to tell me that we hadn’t won, I was pretty sad.

The death of the celebrities, I know none of these people, but I have been sad to hear the news of people who I admire with great talent to have left us. Recently Debbie Reynolds passed away. She was one of my heroes-anyone who knows me I love the golden age, and that Debbie was one of my favourites from those days. I was sad about Victoria Wood- one of the greatest female comedians ever. Alan Rickman, I had a lot of time for. He didn’t discover his acting talents until he was 28. I know to people that is old but that’s the age I am turning on my next birthday and that feels pretty young. Incredible he had an amazing career! Terry Wogan- Children in need wasn’t the same this year. I could keep talking about how great all the people who died this year were. We lost music legends such as George Michael, Bowie and Prince this year too. Let’s say it sucked.

In my personal life it has sucked but I’d like to also like to reflect on some of the good things to have happened too.

Let’s start with positive:

2016 allowed me to visit Iceland and Sweden: I have a little obsession with both Nordic countries and their males hahaha! This year I visited Stockholm and Iceland. I did these trips alone and met some lovely people. Saw some great things!

Shows and concerts. This year I saw The Dixie Chicks- my favourite band! I have wanted to see them for years! My mum bought me a ticket for Xmas, it reminded me of being in Nashville 😀 I also saw Bernadette Peters- very different sort of show. The lady is a legend, she created roles in Sondhiem shows, to hear her sing music that was written for her was a wonderful experience for me. Not only does she sing but she takes you on a journey, I felt I learnt a lot from that.  I have also finally seen Mamma Mia live, Rebel Wilson in Guys and Dolls, In the heights(I would 100% grab a ticket before it shuts because the cast are insane!!) Funny Girl- I loved every minute! The Southwark gave us some great shows this year Grey Gardens and Side show were both delivered well, I cried at both and forgot where I was. Ragtime was another I saw, again great performances. Oh and not forgetting the Rebecca Caine concert, where the singing was beautiful and the chatting was real and not some stage stories.

Babies- some of my friends have given birth to some beautiful babies!

London friends! I have made some beautiful friends in London. I am lucky to work in a London theatre with a great team of people, not to mention the people I have met in dance classes and the other au pairs. You guys have been amazing!

I wrote about negativity in 2016 in another blog, so here is for my plans for 2017.

1. Loose weight. It’s at the top every year. I did it before and I can do it again. Motivation is the most important thing when loosing weight. Only you can find it. Don’t loose weight because someone thinks your fat do it because you want it.

2. Money skills. 2017 I plan to clean my debt and budget better.

3.  Finish my singing exams.

4. Actually start up my theatre company you guys have been hearing about for the last 8 months.

5. Not work too much, so working 3 jobs and 80 hours a week is good for no one. It’s time to have time for me, my family and have friends. #sociallife

6. Travel somewhere. I have no idea yet but I am going somewhere.

7. To cook more. Rather than being lazy and eating pre made food or stuff that isn’t hard to cook, I will challenge myself in the kitchen.

8. To learn guitar and piano!

9. To learn how to make clothing.

10. To be happy.

Happy new year to you all. Remember health and happiness are the two most important things to aim for ❤️